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Thanks for asking! Here's our Best Response: - How do I access my ChooseTMU applicant portal?

If you have applied to an undergraduate degree program, a Choose TMU applicant portal account is automatically created for you. An acknowledgement email will be sent to you after applying via the email address you used to apply. This email will contain your nine-digit TMU student number and instructions on creating your TMU Online Identity (my.torontomu account), and provide details on how to access your ChooseTMU applicant portal.

Within your portal you can check your application status and submit supporting documents. Choose TMU also contains a link to your My Communications feature where you'll find all of your official communications from the university.

If you have applied to a graduate program (e.g. Masters degree, PhD), you can access the portal for uploading your transcripts and documents via the Graduate Studies Upload Your Documents.


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